Help wanted advertising sign

Reach a widespread number of prospective employees in a simple cost-effective way.

The Midwest Help Wanted Network, a division of Midwest Free Community Papers (MFCP) reaches up to 1.9 million homes per week. We have programs that will fit your coverage needs, large or small, to attract qualified candidates for your open positions.

Pick the Program that Best Meets
Your Applicant Search.


Reach a combined circulation
over 843,000

AS LOW AS $600 / week
Over 70 Papers in 9 States

South Dakota, Nebraska, Kansas, Minnesota, Iowa, Missouri, Wisconsin, Illinois, Indiana

Your 3" wide x 2" tall ad will reach a  very big market at a low, low cost.


Choose the ad size and specific papers, counties or regions that fit the needs of your business.

Leverage the MFCP network of papers to streamline and save on your advertising!


Reach a combined circulation
over 1.9 million

ALL ZONES: $249 / week | 9 States
South Dakota, Nebraska, Kansas, Minnesota, Iowa, Missouri, Wisconsin, Illinois, Indiana

Or choose from 4 zones to reach
certain markets only.
Mhwn coverage map

Get your job openings noticed in over 70 papers throughout 9 states.

Place your help wanted 2 column x 2" display ad, custom-size display ad or classified in all zones for maximum coverage. Or, choose the zone or area that best reaches your potential job candidates.

More Reach. More Applicants. More Success.

Advertising through Midwest Free Community Papers (MFCP) Help Wanted Network is a great opportunity. Established in 1955, MFCP is the largest free community papers association, offering you combined support and circulation for success.
Learn More About MFCP
Many labor sectors can benefit by leveraging this support and circulation to expand the search for qualified job applicants. We'll even handle the ad placement and billing, with substantial discounts—saving both your valuable resources and time!

Find more applicants starting today!

Give us a call or send a message using the form below.